Shipping methods

 For specific shipments such as sending large boxes and correspondingly a large number of pieces, we send the order by means of a transport company 
In this case, we usually send the order after consultation with you in order to find the most economical solution for sending the order.
Pickup from our store
You can also pick up your package from our store at the following address:  
Serron 54, Akadimia Platonos, Athens, P.O. 10441,
Phone: 2105200010

Shipping Cost Massage Chair: 80€ 80€

Shipping for Saunas upon request


Delivery Destinations & Times


  • Εντός Αθήνας – 1-2 ημέρες
  • Εντός Περιφέρειας – 2 έως 3 ημέρες
  • Για Χερσαίους Προορισμούς – 3 έως 5 ημέρες
  • Για Νησιωτικούς Προορισμούς – 4 έως 7 ημέρες
  • Για Δυσπρόσιτες Περιοχές – 4 έως 9 ημέρες