Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy covers all personal data of visitors/users/members collected by the Company during their visit and use of its services. Additionally, the Privacy Policy addresses the conditions for collecting, processing, and managing the personal data of visitors/users/members by the Company. If a visitor does not agree with these terms, they should refrain from registering and creating an account on the website. This Privacy Policy does not under any circumstances cover the relationship between visitors/users/members of the Website and any services that are not under the control or ownership of the Company.
Browsing our online store
Every visitor can browse the without providing any personal information. Personal data such as name, email, date of birth, etc., will only be required if the visitor wishes to become a member of the Website in order to utilize its services. The Company has the capability and retains the right to store the visitor's IP address and, if necessary, to communicate with their Internet Service Provider (ISP) in case of violation of the Website's Terms of Use.

Registration, Use of our eshop services

1 .Personal Data
The registration process on the website and the use of its services require the provision of certain minimum personal data. Personal data are elements or pieces of information that identify an individual, such as name, email address, or other information that can reasonably be linked to an individual's identity, such as a mobile phone number. Any personal data provided by the user/member on the website are intended exclusively for ensuring the functionality of the provided services and the legality of related transactions and may not be used by any third party without complying with the provisions of Law 2472/97, as currently in force, concerning the protection of personal data processing. Finally, when using the website's services, it is possible to request or collect other information for statistical purposes, which, however, are disconnected from the user/member's personal details in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data.

2. Registration on the Website:
To create an account on the website, the visitor must provide their full name, an email, and a password. During the registration process, the visitor may optionally provide additional information if desired, such as their location, date of birth, gender, contact number, etc. After registration, the account details mentioned above can be viewed/modified at any time and without any additional charge by the user/member using their personal password or upon communicating a specific request to the Company.

3. Comments and Reviews:
Users who have received themselves of a product's services through the Website have the right to submit comments, reviews, and ratings via their account based on the Terms of Use of the Website, where such an option is available. This user-generated content may (a) be posted on the Website, (b) be used and placed (in whole or in part) by the Company on social media platforms, newsletters, specialized promotional action platforms, applications, and other networks owned, hosted, used, or controlled by the Company. In any case, this material will not include any user's personal data, and the user will only be identified by their first name and the initial letter of their surname to ensure anonymity. If a user does not wish for any publication or reproduction of such material, they should refrain from using this specific service.

4. Voting – Contests:
In the context of providing its services or other promotional activities, the Company may periodically invite its members to participate in online voting or contests. To participate in these polls, users/members of the Website must provide their full name and, when necessary, other personal details such as profession, age, etc., depending on the nature of the questions posed for voting or the contest. The vote of the user/member is recorded exclusively for drawing conclusions regarding public opinion on a specific issue and cannot be used for any other purpose or disclosed to third parties.

5. Linking to third-party websites:
Through the Website, the visitor/user/member can access other third-party websites such as social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. In any case where the visitor/user/member utilizes this service, an exchange of information takes place with these websites, and the information shared will be governed by their respective privacy policies. The visitor/user/member is urged to modify their privacy settings directly on these websites. The Company does not control the privacy policies of these third parties and assumes no responsibility or obligation for the actions of such third parties.

Use of Cookies
The Online Store The website uses cookies with the aim of enhancing the user experience during navigation and improving the overall quality of its services. Cookies are small text files sent to a user's computer when they visit a website. These cookies are stored on the visitor's/user's hard drive but do not access any document or file from their computer. They are used to facilitate the visitor's/user's access to specific Company services, for statistical reasons to determine areas where such services are useful or popular, or for marketing purposes. The visitor/user/member of the website can configure their browser settings to block all cookies or to receive a notification when a cookie is being sent. However, the visitor/user/member should be aware that certain features or services of the website might not function properly without cookies.

IP addresses
Every computer connecting to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. The IP address through which the visitor/user/member's computer accesses the internet and subsequently the website is stored and can be utilized by the Company, if necessary, in the event of a violation of the Terms of Use of the website by the visitor/user/member.

General Terms of Personal Data Protection
The user/member can contact the Company at any time and without any charge to verify the existence of their personal account, correct it, modify it, delete it, or opt-out of receiving electronic informational messages. When updating personal details, the Company may ask the user/member to verify their identity before fulfilling their request. Visitors/users of the Website who are minors do not have the right to register as members and thus are not obliged to submit their personal information. The account holder on the Website (member) is solely responsible for any use and maintenance of the confidentiality and security of their password and must immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use of their account, as well as any other breach concerning their electronic account. The Company operates in accordance with applicable Greek and European legislation and has adopted procedures to safeguard the personal data that the user/member provides through the Website for as long as they are registered with its services. Only authorized personnel have access to this data when deemed necessary. This data is deleted after the termination of the transactional relationship.

Amendments to this Policy
The Company reserves the right to change or modify the Privacy Policy at any time, without notifying users/members. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions to the Privacy Policy will take effect immediately, i.e., from their posting on the website. Any use of the website following such a change or modification will be considered as acceptance by the user/member of the changes, modifications, additions, or deletions.