
Welcome to our company's website. The www.fujia.gr is the online commercial store selling products and gift items over the internet (hereinafter referred to as the online store or website) of the company named JIN SUQIN EE, with VAT number 801971049, Tax Office A' Athens, headquartered in Athens, located at SERRON 54 (now called the company). No. G.E.MH.

The company reserves the right to freely amend or revise the terms and conditions of transactions from its online store whenever it deems necessary. However, it undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any changes through the pages of this online store. Contracts via the online store are drawn up in both the Greek and English languages.

Product information

The company is committed to the accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness of the information provided on the online store, both regarding its identity and the transactions offered through the online store. Within the framework of good faith, the company shall not be liable for errors resulting from inadvertent inaccuracies in entering electronic data on the store.

Purchasing Process – Order Completion

During the purchase, the customer can pay for the contents of their cart either by cash on delivery, by deposit into the company's bank account, or by credit/debit card. In the case of a card payment, the customer is directed to a secure webpage of the collaborating bank, where they enter their card details. The credit card charge is processed on the same day in the evening. Our store will issue a receipt for the order purchase.

1. Order Completion: Upon submitting your order, you are informed about its successful completion, and a confirmation email regarding your order is sent to you.

2. Days – Delivery Process: For your order shipments, tracking is available, that is, you will be provided with a track number upon dispatch of your products so that you can monitor the progress of the delivery process.

3. Polls – Contests: In the context of providing its services or other promotional activities, fujia.gr at regular intervals, members may be invited to participate in electronic polls or contests. For participation in these polls, website users/members are required to provide their full name and depending on the specific questions posed in the poll or contest, additional personal information such as occupation, age, etc. User/member votes are recorded solely for drawing conclusions regarding public opinion on a particular issue and cannot be used for any other purpose nor disclosed to third parties.

4. Linking to third-party websites: Through the Website, the visitor/user/member can access other third-party websites such as social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In every instance where the visitor/user/member utilizes this service, an exchange of information occurs with these respective websites, and the shared information will be governed by their respective privacy policies. The visitor/user/member is encouraged to adjust the privacy settings of their account directly on these platforms. The company does not control the privacy policies of these third parties and assumes no responsibility or obligation for the actions of such third parties.

Transaction Security

The company recognizes the importance of Personal Data security and electronic transactions, and has taken all necessary measures, employing the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure maximum security. All information related to users' personal data is safeguarded as confidential.

User details (name, profession, email address, residential address, etc.) and user transactions within the online store are considered confidential, as are transactions in a commercial establishment. Users, when providing their information during transactions, consent to and accept the imminent processing of their personal data for the smooth and efficient execution of transactions between the parties, as well as the transfer of this information to specific recipients, namely employees of the company, in the context of fulfilling the ongoing contract. Furthermore, the existence of the right of access and the right of objection as per Articles 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997 is hereby disclosed.

It is confirmed that only authorized employees have access to transaction information, and only when necessary, e.g., for processing orders. The company commits not to disclose customer details and their transactions unless it has written authorization from them, or this is mandated by a judicial decision or another public authority's decision. The personal data provided on our online store is used exclusively by it or businesses collaborating with it, for the purpose of supporting, promoting, and executing the transactional relationship. All documents and electronic information exchanged between the parties in the context of a sale will be kept by the company. Customers may access them if they wish.

The online store «https://fujia.gr/» utilizes SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. This specific SSL protocol is today's global standard on the internet for certifying websites. With this technology, every piece of information you enter on our site is encrypted before going online, thus safeguarding personal details during transmission. Additionally, all information sent via the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically verifies if the data has been altered during transit. Encryption essentially involves encoding information until it reaches its intended recipient, who can then decode it using the appropriate key.